
Welcome to the Oxford Central School PTA!

Oxford Central School PTA uses MemberHub to bring you into our school community and keep you informed and engaged with what is happening. Within our MemberHub site, you will find newsletters, signup sheets, shared calendar events, files, photos, reminders, and much more all in one place!

Your information is stored securely and privately. Once you’ve joined, you will have access to various hubs that are important and specific to you and your family. You will be able to manage your profile, your family, communication preferences, and download the MemberHub iPhone or Android app.

Simply follow the link below to get started. Thanks and welcome to the OCS PTA!


Register your family for emails
(This is just to receive communication, it is not a PTA membership)



Membership Form
Online membership coming soon, in the meantime please continue to send in your Membership Form through the school.




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